
On the 20th of May, 2024, Thuyloi University played host to a successful mid-term review of the international mixed laboratory ACROSS. The review brought together key stakeholders to assess the laboratory’s progress and future direction.

Professor Nguyen Canh Thai, Vice Rector of Thuy Loi University, along with his colleagues, welcomed Edmond Dounias, the representative of IRD in Vietnam and the Philippines – who also shared his appreciation and expectation for a strong collaboration between IRD and TLU-, and members of the ACROSS team.

Building Bridges Through Scientific Exchange

Alexis Drogoul – Director of ACROSS and Patrick Taillandier – Senior Researcher at IRD/INRAE took the lead in presenting ACROSS’s accomplishments during its initial phase. Presentations and discussions covered a wide range of topics, from ongoing research projects to capacity-building initiatives. Presentations delved into ongoing research projects, highlighting the collaborative efforts of international researchers. Discussions focused on maximizing the impact of ACROSS’s work and charting a course for continued success in the coming years.

Following the productive review session was the exchange between ACROSS and Thuyloi University’s colleagues. During the first 2 years of its foundation, ACROSS team has participated actively in different activities of the university from welcoming different groups visiting the laboratory, hosting exchange students and invited researchers, experts to awarding grant to short-term projects led by TLU’s staff members, offering different internship opportunities to students. TLU’s researchers and students who had been or are doing research work with ACROSS shared their experience and appreciation for the collaboration.

ACROSS continues to offer more room for collaboration and express their engagement in including TLU’s members in the laboratory’s activities. The Q&A session received great interest from participants and would surely lead to further fruitful discussions and collaborations in the future. Regular exchanges will also be committed between ACROSS and TLU to ensure information dissemination and optimise the outreach of ACROSS. Thuyloi University’s leadership in hosting the ACROSS mid-term review underscores its commitment to fostering international research collaboration. The university’s active role in the laboratory exemplifies its dedication to advancing scientific progress and addressing critical global challenges.

A convivial cocktail break was held afterward at the ACROSS facilities. This informal gathering provided an opportunity for participants to unwind, foster personal connections, and solidify the spirit of international collaboration that drives the laboratory’s achievements.

Looking Ahead: A Brighter Future for ACROSS

The positive outcome of the mid-term review paves the way for continued success within the ACROSS laboratory. Through ongoing research collaboration and international exchange, ACROSS is well-positioned to make significant contributions in the years to come.