acrosslab 07/11/2023
On Wednesday, the 1st of November 2023, following the invitation from the University of Science and Technology of Hanoi (USTH), ACROSS team members has attended the Seminar on computer simulation,...
acrosslab 10/10/2023
SIMPLE’s team has been invited by the French Embassy in Vietnam to participate to its Forum Innovation 5.0 on 17th and 18th October 2023! Join us for our first public...
acrosslab 19/07/2023
On the 1st August 2023, a workshop on Mathematical Models in Nature Sciences: Existence and Stability will be organised at Thuyloi University. The workshop will gather speakers/experts from different universities...
acrosslab 17/07/2023
ACROSS team had the honor to welcome to their premises on 14th of July, 2023 – also the French Independence Day – the delegation from IRD headquarters. This is part...
On Friday, 14th July 2023, a networking meeting entitled CECS, VinUni, and UMMISCO, IRD/TLU Meeting on Sustainability Science took place at the Thuyloi University Campus. The objective of this meeting...
acrosslab 07/07/2023
Between the 4th and 7th of July 2023, the city of La Rochelle (Nouvelle Aquitaine, France), hosted the 54th edition of ISAGA (International Simulation and Gaming Association) conference. This year,...
acrosslab 12/02/2025
acrosslab 03/12/2024
acrosslab 27/11/2024
acrosslab 15/11/2024
International Joint Laboratory ACROSS5th Floor, A1 Building, Thuy Loi University, 175 Tay Son, Hanoi
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