

UMMISCO is an International Joint Unit of IRD – French Institute of Research for Development -  placed under the authority of seven universities in France, Morocco, Senegal, Cameroon, and Vietnam. UMMISCO's scientific themes center around the design of mathematical and computer modeling approaches and tools which allow to better apprehend and understand the emerging dynamics of "complex systems", to draw up their most probable evolution scenarios, and ultimately to feed into sustainable decision-making. UMMISCO will provide ACROSS with its expertise on agent-based modeling and methodological developments around the GAMA platform.


2. Thuy Loi University (TLU)

Under the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, is the leading University on water resources and environmental management, disaster prevention and mitigation in Vietnam. The strategy of TLU for 2020-2030 is to promote transdisciplinary approaches for sustainable development in all its domains of research and training. From 2018 to 2020, TLU has been awarded an IRD JEAI support for the WARM team (WAter Resources and disaster Management by using artificial intelligence, led by Prof. Nguyen Ngoc Doanh), which allowed the partners of ACROSS to begin working on the Bac Hung Hai irrigation system. TLU will provide ACROSS with its expertise in hydrology, hydraulics, environmental sustainability, and modeling.


3. The Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse (IRIT)

IRIT is one of the largest French Computer Science laboratories. It gathers 700 members who belong to five institutions (CNRS, INP, and the three Toulouse Universities). IRIT works on six domains: Systems Design and construction, Numerical Modeling, Concepts for cognition and interaction, Study of autonomous systems, Moving from raw data to intelligible information, Scientific Computing, Big Data, and AI. IRIT will provide ACROSS with its expertise in Artificial Intelligence, Human-Computer Interaction, agent-based modeling, and simulation and applications to large-scale socio environmental systems.


4. Hanoi University of Architecture (HAU)

HAU is the first architectural university in Vietnam, founded in 1969 and under the administration of the Ministry of Construction. The mission of HAU is to train professional and qualified human resources pursuant to Asia and Vietnam’s standards in architecture, urban and rural planning, civil and industrial construction, urban management, infrastructure techniques, and environment. Since 2007, HAU and IRD’s research cooperation has been under a MoU which includes all the activities conducted together (research programs, technology transfer, capacity building activities, events, exchanges, etc.). In 2017, HAU has been awarded an IRD JEAI support for the RecycUrbs team (led by Nguyen Thai Huyen). HAU will provide ACROSS with its expertise in urban/rural planning, sustainable architecture, and social surveys.


ACROSS will bring together other institutions that will contribute according to their area of expertise but without necessarily seconding staff to the IJL. Some, like EFEO, INRAE, CESBIO and FIMO, will provide skills that are not available in the IJL (e.g. History, Remote Sensing, …). Others will draw links, in a Sustainability Science perspective, with the non-academic world and possible implementations or disseminations of the solutions designed in the IJL: NGOs like GreenHub, private companies in charge of managing irrigation systems (like BHH-IMC) or Ministry institutes (NAWAPI, VNUA).


ACROSS International Joint Laboratory (IJL) offers a physical platform allowing meetings, interactions and cross fertilization between French and Vietnamese researchers.

Located at 5th floor, A1 Building, Thuy Loi University, 175 Tay Son Street, Dong Da District, Hanoi, ACROSS has a separate space consisting of 240 m² of co-working area with one seminar room, one meeting room fully equipped for video conference. The laboratory was designed towards an open and creative environment which helps encourage mutual interactions and allows up to 40 people working at the same time. The highlight lies in the terrace, an open air space with a great view to the city. An exhibition area is set separately where people can experience different participatory and interactive simulations.

Thanks to the fundings of different stakeholders and programs, the IJL welcome a number of French researchers and experts from short term (2 to 11 months) to long term assignments (2 to 4 years) as well as Vietnamese counterparts to work on different subjects. This gathering is expected to pave the way for multidisciplinary collaboration opportunities for students, lecturers and researchers.

If you have any queries or you are interested in our projects please do not hesitate to contact us!
